Title:    The Benefits of Automated Voting System for the                       Laboratory School of  CHMSC- Talisay.

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The Laboratory School of CHMSC- Talisay , the SSG club , will have their own automated voting system.


The Laboratory School is known for its one section per year and grade level for the elementary and secondary school in Talisay City. There are many organizations where the students may join to show their talents, characters, knowledge and skills. The Supreme Students Government or also known as the SSG, is one of the major organization in the school. The laboratory school and college department composes the State College in which they have the SSG to lead the students in other school activities.

In selecting the SSG officers, the college department has their online voting system in which it is easier, faster and the trend in this time. While the Laboratory School used the manual voting system in pens, papers and ballot boxes. Since the college department has the online voting system, why not the Laboratory School should have their automated voting system as well?


The Laboratory School, while serving as a training ground for education students, seeks to develop in excellence and with quality, the total personality of children and youth to become worthy members of the society. We, the erudites strives to be one in which all members use their minds, skills, talents, and knowledge well and care about one another. To this end, we have prepared a group that is engaging and responsive to each other.

The mission of this project is to develop a well-planned and organized automated voting system for the benefits of the students and the Laboratory School. To know the impact of automated voting system for the Laboratory School. To distinguish the difference of the manual voting system and the automated voting system.

The vision of this project is to make use of the automated voting system for the Laboratory School in the SSG club. To follow the steps of the college department, the Laboratory School will also have their own automated voting system.


The scope of this project is for the Laboratory School students. To have their own automated voting system in their department that will support the SSG club.

We wrote a letter to the principal of the Laboratory School to make a scheduled interview about the project we would like to implement in their department. We were worried whether the letter would be given a good response or not. If not, we have no other choice but to find a new beneficiary to our project or make a new system.

Finally, our long-waited letter was approved! We will wait for the day of the scheduled interview in which we’ll be asking some questions regarding the said project. 

Part 4:

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Part 5:

And that was the interview with Ms. Leizl May Tortogo in which she approved and supported our project. The system of an automated voting system is composed of two main pages, the voting page and the admin page. In the admin page, the main user (admin) is responsible of all the data and information regarding the election. He/ She will add the voters, add the candidates and will print the results of the election. In the voting page, the voters (students) will have their username signed in with their password to proceed to vote. It is simple, isn’t it?


The benefits of automated voting system for the SSG club of the Laboratory School in CHMSC-Talisay:
  1. Cost effectiveness – Automated elections are cost effective, especially when considering production costs of printing, postage, and mailing ballots. To make use of the computer laboratory for the automated voting system.
  2. Security and confidentiality – A properly designed automated voting system has safeguards in place to assure security of ballots and protection of voter identities.
  3. Accuracy and expedience – Since automated voting utilizes electronic ballots, there are no rejected, mismarked, or invalid votes. Results are automatically calculated, eliminating the need for manual tabulation or dreaded recounts.
  4. Empowerment – Voting is the most powerful way for members to have a voice in the leadership and direction of their organization. When allowed to vote in fair and open elections, members will feel a greater sense of value, ownership, and responsibility.
  5. Convenience- because with the well-designed software and system, the voters can simply use the computer lab with the minimal time and skill to finish the voting process.

Part 7:

So to sum it all up, the automated voting system is a computer-based electronic voting system for the election of the SSG club in the Laboratory School. It will benefit the Lab. School department in their one-day election in many ways. Having this automated voting system, we want the Laboratory School to follow the trend in terms in the use of their computer lab for this project. We wouldn’t want our fellow younger schoolmates to make them feel left out. We really recommend implementing this automated voting system for the convenience use of the students of the Laboratory School in their SSG Club.

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